
Upcoming gigs

Some more public gigs coming up over the summer...

Saturday 20th July 2.30 - 4.30pm: Supercool boogaloo jazz and blues with the Green Chain Quartet at the Kellerton Road Street Party, Lee, South London.

Sunday 21st July - 3 - 5pm: Soul, disco, funk, RnB with the fabulous Meantime Road Runners at Greenwich Park Bandstand. (That's us at the very top of this webpage).

Sunday 28th July 4.15pm: More Supercool boogaloo jazz with the Green Chain Quartet at Mycenae House, Mycenae Road, Greenwich. Directions

Sunday 18th August 3 - 5pm: with the Green Chain Quartet at Parliament Hill Bandstand, Parliament Hill Fields (nr Tennis Courts) Highgate Road, London, NW5 1QR

Thursday 22nd August from 1pm: Yet more Supercool boogaloo jazz and blues with the Green Chain Quartet at Mycenae House, Mycenae Road, Greenwich. Directions