
Winter Strummers Course

Nights are closing in, leaves are falling, autumn is here already. And with cooler weather, and less daylight to do things outdoors, it's a great time to start learning an instrument.

If you want to learn to play the guitar or ukulele this winter I'm starting a new 6 lesson Winter course just for people who want strum a few simple songs.

Time to get picking..
This is a 6 lesson course for absolute beginners, no experience necessary. All you need is an acoustic guitar, or ukulele, short spaces of time for practice and the ambition to learn at least 6 songs. Simple.

Over the 6 lessons you'll learn 6-10 songs, 4 of your own choice; a song each week. You'll learn how to adapt the strumming patterns and chords you learn to play many other songs.

You can learn on your own, share with a friend, pile all the lessons into 2 weeks, whatever suits you, it's your call.

Each lesson lasts an hour; at the end of each lesson an achievable practice schedule is set out, with targets lined up ready to focus your progress.

To book just use the contact form on the right, or email. My usual teaching rates apply, see the Lessons page for more information.